“I am more of an existentialist the closer I am to running out of existence.”
HE said.
Today is Thursday my computer tells me so. My colonoscopy is scheduled for Monday, the day after my wife Michelle has her MRI of her brain and her spine. Wonder of wonders LOOK show has a few more hours to go. I am working on stuff, writing of some kind, and reading. Meanwhile I am killing time.
I take beating the clock very very serialpoopsy. This piece has been performed live (at x-cues) only once, and filmed in a vacant lot across from DeLuca’s directed by Kevin Nickel, shot by Kevin Nikkel with Caden Nikkel, and edited by Kevin and Caden Nikkel in it’s initial placement in my abject alphabet, and then edited again by Murray Toews for LOOK show. I haven’t seen the film loops yet because I was a dumbass and stayed home when I filled the toilet bowl with the wrong colour of blood. I have pictures. Nope, I will not go so far as to post pictures of my poop. At least not yet.
I am convinced something is wrong. I am convinced it’s more than just haemorrhoids, because I recognise the bright cheery red blood now when it burst. It totally ruined my reading at the only time I was invited to THIN AIR Writers’ Festival. Lorna Crozier commented later to tell me how badly I had been racing. Yeah well I’m dying I thought. But after a trip to an urgent care clinic they laughed and said most likely you just burst a haemorrhoid. This led to my first colonoscopy, and yes of course. I’ve been too embarrassed not to have known that and ruined a good chance I had at tasking my next step forward.