Hey Murray,

Thank for the layout. What I’m looking for, is to know where my  work is needed. Do I need to select anything? Fill any holes? You have plenty choices after all. I’m guessing I should still tape something that looks like a reading at about 7 minutes like the other performers?


I can make the selection, if you’re comfortable with that. You are very prolific, and have provided a lot of writing, audio bits, images, et cetera that I can work with as it stands. There is the possibility I need some holes filled…but not much at this point. I just want t make sure you’re ideas are represented correctly!

I refrained initially from making the decision where your sit-alone would go, because you may look at where things should go from a poetic-literary perspective, I simply didn’t feel comfortable. But as I step back from what you’ve produced- some pieces naturally would gravitate towards the Dispatch/ Shrapnel tornado while others seem to live in the Psych/x-ray projection. I’m looking at the installation as a physical representation of the inside of your brain, as I experience it, basically. 

We could add a reading of you in video form to add to the main projection. As I mentioned earlier, once the installations and video get into the space, there will be a short period of flux until the LOOK show forms itself! At least, that’s how it works with us visual artist type folks!

Does that help?

Thanks Murray, this is a huge relief and flattering to my way of thinking (all I got after all) I will record a  7 minute video to fit with the others. So exactly what you say was my best biggest hope.(‘Other wise’)  It’s your baby from here on in. I will return to my website to talk it up, but I’ll leave all other social media and promotion publicity to Relish.

Yes that helps!!!


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