The precision of violence


Bone hook during hip replacement surgery.

Bone hook during hip replacement surgery.

I had appointments with my foot surgeon and my hip surgeon this last week. I’m pushing for a December foot surgery, as I need to recover completely for my hip replacement surgery. My right foot bone fusion will not be as complex and difficult as my left, which was done last January, and may actually be done as day surgery. I like to imagine my recovery will take less time than the 3 months needed last year.

 I’d love a new hip for my 58th birthday which is on April 3, 2013. I have every confidence in my surgeons Dr. Hammond and Doctor Barron, and will be pleased when surgeries #8 and #9 out of the way. It is starting to look like I may return to a more able bodied version of normal before the end of May. The hip surgeon was clear about the risk, but it’s a managed risk with 90% patient satisfaction which is better than the 70% who have foot bone fusion surgery. He said that all surgery does violence to the body, and I agree. However my body and I (?) have benefited from each of my previous seven operations. That was what it was called when I was growing up. Having an operation. Just saying it out loud and writing it down brings back the smell of the 1960s Misercordia corridor.

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