
I pulled the zipper closed on a mosquito net at Jenfest, and immediately heard summer.

I was reading more Anne Carson last night and found this gem in her Glass, Irony and God.

‘”Treachery,”‘ (she notices) sounds just like his zipper going down.”
– “God Stiff,” Glass, Irony and God, page 46.

Vinyl records collectors

Zip it Up!

This story appeared in an old issue of Report on Business magazine.

A clerk at a local convenience store can thank his lucky zipper
for saving him from serious injury, even death. Something went wrong
during a late night robbery, and the thief took a shot at the clerk with
his small calibre pistol. The bullet lodged in the clerks zipper, failing to
penetrate. The thief turned and ran, leaving empty-handed.

Lame Zipper Joke

Old Man 1:”I keep forgetting to close my fly after I’ve gone for a piss.”

Old Man 2: “That’s not a problem. Forgetting to undo your fly before you take a piss, now that’s a problem!



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