Dear Max Ferguson,
My name is Victor Enns. I am a grade 12 student in the Mennonite Collegiate Institute, the oldest coeducational boarding school in Canada. The school has several other distinctions, and is renowned for its music program. I have enclosed two records of our choral singing that were made in the last two years under the direction of Henry Engbrecht. I hope you find something appealing on these albums that you might play on your show.
I love your show and I’ve been listening to you at whatever time of day you have been granted by the CBC. This is now more complicated because your broadcasts are on during regular school hours, so if you do choose to play something from these recordings could you let me know so I can tell the choirs when to listen.
Victor Enns
Gretna, MB
Author’s note: The letter was sent in 1972, the recordings made in 1970 (Peaceful River) and 1971 (Age and Youth Unite). Max Ferguson did play a cut from the albums, but I can’t remember which. This marks my first adventure in promotion.