Roommate Bed 4

Roy has a spinal injury as a result of  fall in his bathroom. He hit his head and his back, badly damaging three vertebrae requiring surgery. He and Eugene have been here in room 525 the longest.  Roy is nearly ready to go home, likely by the beginning of September. His home is in Beausejour, which Wiki tells me is French for “beautiful stay.” He is pleased with the renovations to his suite in Manitoba Public Housing, and most recently received notice that the Manitoba Paraplegic Association will cover much of the outfitting costs including adaptive small appliances like a special can opener. Roy has some use of his hands, but there is no sensation in his thumb and forefinger of his right hand. He now smokes with his left hand. Roy was a mason, a brick-layer, though not a stone mason, as he is quick to say.  His work can be seen in and around Brandon. He has spent time on the outside, a homeless alcoholic for close to two years, and another two years inside jail, with a heavy cost to his family relationships. Now sober and into his seventies he is grateful for his care, and the home he has waiting for him. I like to make him laugh.

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