I’ve heard from a few subscribers to victorenns.com, responding to my question about my frequent posting. I am getting carried away because I’ve just had a pile of old photographs scanned, so will slow down naturally in 2013.
Here’s the plan. I will post a few more old photographs today. I will enquire at the design house, because I believe it’s possible (I’ve seen it on as couple of sites, and subscribe myself to one that way) to offer subscriptions compiled weekly, rather than sent every day. If I can figure it out, I’ll get that to happen. If I can’t, or need some time before making that option available to subscribers, I will continue to compose, but save as drafts, and then post them all once a week. Thanks to those of you who are helping me improve my site.
The image is courtesy of a forward of my brother’s, who is flying home from the North Pole today. I’m hoping he gets home safely staying out of Santa’s flight path.