On Maintaining a Website

Kerouac by GinsbergAfter I was so well served by Relish Design in creating my hot[1] new website, I made myself enough promises for a leadership campaign[2]. I conscripted a good friend and top-notch editor, Ted Dyck, as my editorial consultant, and my daughter as a copyeditor. Plan was to thoughtfully compose in word.docx. Revise, consult my editor and have the post or entry proof read. Then and only then would I hit the “Post from Word” icon, and carefully select just the right image to complement the text.

I also intended to keep a strong literary focus producing strong arguments for literary writing and good reading, while composing essentially, a memoir, a literary text of myself.[3] It’s not called www.victorenns.com for nothing. As I’m beginning to figure out it might be a better vehicle for some of the poetry like stuff I write saving the good stuff for my books and my journals.

This gave way quite quickly to “Oh hell, I need to get something fresh up soon, or I’ll lose some of my 50 subscribers.  I’ll compose in Word.docx and edit, and spellcheck, and only then insert into the post box.[4]”  Then find quickly find the image[5] – Go Go Google Image now![6]

And now as the rest of my life[7] crowds into the time I have, which pain[8] insists on reducing every week, I have, I admit it, sometimes composed directly into the post box as well as I can and then plaguing everyone with updates. I don’t even now if subscribers get notice of every time I correct my grammar, repetition or spelling.[9]

And that’s just the blog.[10] [11]Here’s what I want to add to my website as of today: Kerouac imagesVicipedia. Under R – Recipes: Minestrone, Spicy Tomato soups, two new veggie dishes, [12] and Q – selective Flaubert quotations that validate my own thinking. And a brand new Photo Gallery Page and two restaurant reviews, especially of Arkadash, a new Turkish- Mediterranean restaurant on downtown Portage Avenue, just for starters. My hour’s up, my shirt’s back on, and the dog wants to go out.

[1] My pain meds have just kicked in, and I have started to sweat, inspiring the adjective true, nonetheless. Follow me as I narrate my way from pain relief back to pain and my bedtime meds. Let’s see how footnotes work on a website, if at all.

[2] I’ve not only rolled up my sleeves, I’ve taken off my (t) shirt. I’ll spare you the pictures, though rest assured I have them.

[3] Yup, Whitman and me. I looked at his Leaves of Grass once in a while in the Glenlea teacherage I shared with Peter & Gerhard. Peter carried it around with him while he was procrastinating an essay. Was Lu Layman the prof?

[4] Word Press, Not Gretna PO Box 184 – see boy.

[5] There has to be photo, an image even if it’s not worth 1,000 words. Though posting images only should be left to visual artists to my way of thinking.

[6] Anyone remember Inspector Gadget?

[7] Three responses just now to Rhubarb copyeditor, Mennonite Sex is in production!

[8] See “Pain Turns Me Toward Poetry and Cheap Mysteries” coming soon!

[9] Sure as hell hope not. C’mon somebody, use the comment box already and let me know.

[10] Now Andreas, the non-fiction editor wants to know what the copyeditor is on about.

[11] To manage the blog entries I wanted to make before my meds ran out, I am trying to limit myself to three new entries in two to three hours, of about 500 words. I’ve hit 622 including the footnotes. Jack Kerouac and me  – just imagine him in the back seat of an old Buick on Highway 61 working away like mad on his notebook or iPad. His bio going moldy in the damp basement next to the first Dylan bio.

[12] In keeping with a low-purine diet to bring down my uric acid levels in an effort to avoid getting gout, which has already seen me give up beer (terrible for purines) and whisky in the space of six weeks since the test results.

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