This will be right quick. I’m already 32minutes behind.[1] These are the books I am not reading in the order I’d like to:
- The House on Sugarbush Road – Méira Cook
- Telegraph Avenue – Michael Chabon
- Dear Life – Alice Munro
- Bring up the Bodies – Hilary Mantel
I’ve started all of them. There are others in the house, but these are the ones I move from one not reading spot to another. Then there are those on the list to buy, but there is so little point until I can read again as Flaubert advised a correspondent.: ”Do not read, as children do, to amuse yourself, or like the ambitious, for the purpose of instruction. No, read in order to live.”
[1] Unlike the patient lurking black dog, a prowling lioness leaps pushing from her haunches, about to tear into me to make sure I understand the meaning of bone on bone. Hello Fiona 2 (the smaller heating pad).