Richard Hines Photo seven years past before first of six surgeries
It’s hard to explain, but my pain remains more or less the same. Three surgeries ameliorated pains in my hips (both artificial hips approaching 5th year) and in my left foot. It’s prosthetic replacement is allowing me to stand, to walk, and to sit more comfortably at my desk when I’m working. Nothing has been, or is likely to be, done about my back. My cartilage is not able to sustain my discs, so they pinch my nerves, with their number it seems, increasing, taking place of the pain removed surgically. The more I do, the higher my pain levels. Then there’s my knees, my elbows, my shoulders, and my hands. I have been referred to a pain clinic, but I do not see many alternatives to closely monitored low doses of opioids, NSAIDs, meditation and rest. Osteoarthritis is most everywhere assuring me there is no God within. I plan to expand on the subject on my website, and provide some lame jokes at the September sick & twisted cabaret. That’ll do.
The General of Catastrophe
The Abuser of Apostrophe