I’ve needed a new desk for quite a while. Though happy with my tiny teak writing desk, it is very wobbly, and I need to keep pulling the legs straight. I have an iMac Desktop now, heavier than my tough Toshiba laptop and the danger of the desktop plummenting to the floor is very real.
So, considering my mobility issues as I wait for my second hip replacement, I shopped on line. The Jesper Woodland (FSC certified) Nartural Cherry solid wood desk (left) is what I’ve chosen. I will have it before the end of the week, and imagine I’ll be spending the long weekend cleaning up my office to try to match the clean lines I admire so much.
As it turned out the day after charging the purchase ($300 cheaper than currently listed, and with free shipping) I received my credit card monthly statement, with a credit in the same amount of the cost of the desk plus change, for another purchase for which I had paid twice, a long time ago. Yup, it’s my own money back, but with a new regime of reigning in credit card debt as we look ahead to leaving our day jobs, this is a welcome development.
Be sad to see the old desk go. It was in the bedroom the year my wife was in Toronto doing Ph.D coursework, and on which I wrote boy in 2006, publishedby Hagios in 2012. I’ve also written over 365 Afghanistan Confesions on this old desk, since 2007, which as noted in yesterday’s post, will be editd by T/Ed Dyck this fall.