Thursday, October 30, 7:30 pm
Regina: Art Gallery of Regina (Neil Balkwill Centre)
Hagios fall launch with Judith Krause
Tuesday, November 4, 7:30 pm *
Calgary: Loft 112, (403) 455-1120
#112-535, 8 Ave SE Calgary, AB
Thursday, November 6, 7:00 p.m.*
Edmonton: Audrey’s, 0702 Jasper Ave NW, Edmonton, AB
Tuesday, November 10, 7:00 p.m*
Saskatoon: McNally Robinson’s Travel Alcove, 3130 8 St E, Saskatoon, SK—-Book-Launch#.VCM4eOdv2fY
Thursday, November 12, 7:30 p.m.
Winnipeg: Sam’s Place, 159 Henderson Highway, Winnipeg
*Thanks to the League of Canadian Poets (LCP) and the Canada Council for the Arts (CCA)