wrong time
wrong time says the doctor not time nyet says doctor Jonathan Dr Jon Kabat Zinn from the MIT Mindfulness Meditation Body Scan side one victorenns9 is just another victor to the negative power and a nod to cutting his teeth on German and erasers.
right yes there’s too much information for me and for you no time to check it through it’s time to make it smaller all that information that’s putting the boots to you and to me yeah let’s get tired your mind gets tired your hands get tired there’s nothing you can do about it. So much to put down. Too much to put down. So much to put down down. Next line next line there is information here there everywhere I want to run on empty except for the words I choose my friends right the cat just come from nowhere but maybe they don’t mean shit anyway where is where is this
I want no information from my clock or from my watch or on my watch. telling time like telling stories is by Far enough. I tell it off. This time. this watch refuses to tell tales and takes it time with the rest.
it was the wrong time wrong time it’s the wrong time to say what I want to say I insist. He was the kind of guy who developed his own unique forecast. “Tomorrow looks like mostly Monday, giving way to overcast Saturday with a hint of cleaning. Soon Saturday periods will clear bring Sunday with roast at dinner. Expect to see Monday again in the evening, showing annoyance at being neglected, so much left undone.” Time to leave my desk. My calendar says March.