Pat & Lorna Stay Over (Dream)

Shreddies bowl-4In my dream, if memory serves, I was home alone in a house like this one on 200 Lenore Street, or the old house in which I grew up, but it would make more sense if it was the bungalow at 42 Laird Crescent, because there seemed to be a basement thing going on, not a possibility in the two story houses. Ok, now I’ve got it. The outside of the house was the old houses, and the inside was the bungalow in Gretna built in 1964 and the one in Regina.

I had offered Patrick and Lorna a place to stay as they were driving from Victoria to Toronto. We had a bedroom in the basement, with a bathroom, and as the bed had been good enough for Michael Ondaatje it would be good enough for Pat & Lorna.

They were tired, and arrived after supper, so I didn’t need to make dinner. They did bring some of their own supplies in those white plastic post office crates they were using, one as a cooler, and the other for dry goods. I’ve always been married to tea drinkers, and that seemed to be in order so it was tea and rusks before bed.

We all got up roughly at the same and they showered and came up for breakfast.  I opened the fridge, and the damn thing was empty, except condiments, and the milk Pat must have put in the fridge from their cooler the previous evening that I hadn’t noticed.

“Yeah,” says Pat with a smile,  “I was wondering about that. Good thing I brought these.”

Pat goes to the dry goods container they had brought in the previous evening and brings out a nearly full box of Shreddies. I get the bowls down from the cupboard, and cereal spoons. Pat gets the milk and pours it. The three of us eating Shreddies and milk, sitting on the padded yellow vinyl and white metal chairs, wondering if we have anything left to say.

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One Comment

  1. NiklBee
    Posted February 3, 2013 at 6:12 pm | Permalink

    See, I always had Patrick figured for more of an Alpha-Bits kinda guy

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