I remembered this $100 dream on waking
“I was riding transit bus. I was attempting to read a poem out loud I had won e competition I had won the top prize, $100 poetry contest, and the privilege of reading it on a moving transit bus. Riders seemed all to be other contestants, many known to me, I was sure they thought I did not deserve my prize. Despite mostly agreeing with them, I said hey listen I’m the one who won the $100 prize! When you win the $100 prize then you can read your poems. So shut up because I wanna read my poem now which is one of the benefits of winning this $100 poetry contest!”
Yes I’ve been “On the bus” then and now, the people’s limousine as Mitch Podoluk called it, though he was infrequent rider, and not on this one. I ran “Poetry in Motion,” “Words on Wheels” in the 1980s from SWG. One of my Afghanistan poems made it onto a Winnipeg Transit bus at some point, two in Rattle magazine.