Envoi Poetry Circle #2, January 6, 2016
7:30 pm, Sam’s Place 159 Henderson Highway (free parking in the adjacent lot)
Envoi and the Mennonite Literary Society’s Poetry Project, are pleased to announce Poetry Circle #2, featuring The Gladys Elegies by Barbara Nickel (especially the Rosary Sonatas) and Simone Weil; Songs of Hunger and Love, by Sarah Klassen. Barbara will attend, read and participate via Skype, which worked so effectively with Ted Dyck at our first session, and who plans to attend, again by Skype from Eastend. Sarah will attend, read and participate in person!
Envoi Poetry Circles are modeled after Robert Kroetsch’s creative writing workshops circa 1979. The poet distributes the work to be discussed prior to the workshop, which everyone reads. The poet reads some of the work at the beginning of the poetry circle, then takes a breath and listens as everyone in the talking circle has a turn to talk about their response to the work. Then the poet responds and discussion ensues.
Registration is required, either by email at: [email protected] or in-person at Sam’s Place, 159 Henderson, when picking up the two books of poetry. Writers, readers and other civilians (non-poets) are encouraged to participate, for a cost of up to $10.00, depending on ability to pay. This includes costs for room and tech rental, and the two books now available for pick-up, which are yours to keep in return for your participation in this two hour workshop.
The first premise of these workshops is to increase readers of, and dialogue about, poetry. Book reviews are scarce, and poets would like to hear from their readers.The second is that there are many poetry collections that deserve recognition and readers beyond what they received on publication or receive now amid the noise of our increasingly disposable culture.
Barbara Nickel is an award-winning poet and children’s author. Her poetry books are The Gladys Elegies, which won the Pat Walther Award, and Domain (House of Anansi), and she has been published in many anthologies and magazines including The Walrus and Poetry Ireland Review. Visit her website at barbaranickel.ca.
Sarah Klassen’s latest poetry collection is Monstrance. An earlier volume, Simone Weil: Songs of Hunger and Love was inspired by this Jewish philosopher who starved her body while her spirit hungered for truth and knowledge. Klassen’s poetry has received the Canadian Authors’ Association Poetry Award and the National Magazine Gold Award for poetry.
The Mennonite Poetry Project is sponsored by the Mennonite Literary Society.
For more information contact Andy Arthur at [email protected]
Or Victor Enns at [email protected].