For now, this poem I wrote today stays here on my website. I’ve no interest in debate, or signalling virtue, though I may change my mind. I admire Duncan Mercredi and others, who do put themselves on Facebook accepting the vulnerability of speaking publicly.
At the end of our family meetings when we were young, and I was a father, we got to say a hope and or a wish, which returned us to a good place as we had started by naming one thing we felt good about what we’d done or shared with someone else. A success story perhaps. I know I’m privileged, and because of my bodies pain now there’s not much I feel I can do. I can practice being kind and I can make a wish. Oh yeah, there’s always reading, writing and love.
(Instead of death
instead of explosives)
dropped love
dropped hope
dropped water
dropped sweets
dropped tea
dropped bread
dropped coffee
dropped licorice
dropped chocolate
dropped peanuts
dropped lollipops
dropped halvah
dropped oranges
an endless list (1)
all allergen free, all sugar free,
gluten free, dairy free (2)
religion free, conspiracy free
free for everyone goodies
for everyone
a goodie bomb, or say
dropping goodie bags
brown bagged
drifting down (4)
in soft silken
all good things
from all over the world
with one instruction
please enjoy in peace.
[1] Please add something you think children should have in a goodie bag at any time
[2] even every fruit and nut, it’s a magic wish, people.
[3] No sponsors no politics no celebrities just a magic fleet flying kindness,
room to breathe, and stillness to everyone whether they are good or not.
[4] no kites no fighting kites no troopers not drone just a brown bag of respite and peace.