Last night’s Thin Air readings were at the heart of the city in the Oodena Celebration Circle at the Forks. Remembering the R.E.M. song, I stumped my way to the reading, buying a copy of Rhea Tregebov’s new poetry collection All Souls’, having purchased copies of Manitowapow and the new books by Ginter & Klassen earlier this year. I enjoyed particularly Tregebov’s readings of the “Family Dinner” poems. I was happy to get her to sign her new collection but forgot to bring my copy of her novel The Knife Sharpener’s Bell, which was one of the books in the Manitoba Reads promotion and I recommend. Rhubarb was fortunate to have her as the poetry guest editor for Rhubarb’s Jews, Ukrainians and Mennonites issue. By the end of the evening I regretted having left my winter coat in the back of the Volvo, but the readings kept my attention here at the heart of the city, of Manitowapow, as Niigaan Sinclair carried the beat in the palm of his hand.