Preachers’ Kids

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HÖRT NICHT ZU Gott du hast mir als Kind aus Wagen hoch oft gehoben. Die Engeln singen alle Mit Trost und Gedanken, du gibst mir nur eine Sprache zu lernen lachest du mir auf mein Eisen Baum so spuck ich in deine Augen! Du bist Ubu ubu ubu und mein Wieb sagt’s dem Hund Quit

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BREATHE Breathe. Deeply, hold it for three beats, exhale. Repeat. Three times. Breathing we all learned in choir, and when I was taking trumpet lessons, I was told how to stand properly and draw my breath from my balls. He was a Canadian Forces band leader. Our Mennonite choir director had more acceptable words for

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Another bio


BEST BIO EVER Victor Enns is a writer with disabilities who lives in Kelowna with his wife Michelle Hewitt, a disability rights advocate. Enns writes extensively on the theme of abjection as presented through his embodied differences. He has published five books (four since 2005); his work also appears in Grain, Cv2, Prairie Fire, Scrivener,

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from imaginary conversations Bruise You see this bruise? The one on your leg? Yeah that’s the one just underneath my birthmark. What about it? I got that skiing downhill at Innsbruck. You’ve never been to Innsbruck! You don’t even know how to ski. You try to convince my bruise of that! Where else do you

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Looking for Look Shrapnel in sight


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From the Letter P in the Abject Alphabet


1. I should get a pail to  carry random thoughts  Yes that’s more like it. If I had a pal I could carry my head in it but only when it is too heavy for my cervical spine. so most of the time.   2. I forbid any talk about Liza. I forbid any talk

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  IT DEPENDS WHAT YOUR DEFINITION OF IT IS It doesn’t matter. Yes it does. No it doesn’t. Yes it does. Why say it doesn’t matter. You know it does matter. So making a longer sentence makes it matter more.  No sentences don’t make it matter. Can you imagine a book without it. Oh, like

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MY ANGER AND PAIN MANIFESTO  There will always be someone who suffers more deeply, more righteously, more rigorously, more appropriately with higher levels of pain, with higher levels of accomplishment achievement than me like the amputee running a super marathon across the Sahara desert. Good for you. Good for God!   Me how do I

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