TODAY IS December 2, 2024 (from Eros & Thanatos) just begun


Electric radiators have come on to my waking
Still in my night clothes Gus admires my matching
Tolerates some belly snuggles but he is all claws
Defining his boundaries and looking
down at his empty breakfast dish
that I leave empty this is a dead loss
for a poem no matter
How much I hurt these words
are empty Unless I lie,
make coffee, have a cigarette
But more importantly I need
even my my

my leg to write
So I’ll open the blinds and decide
Whether to wash before wearing
my leg or put my leg on right this
minute to make me feel whole again. 
Though the twitch in my dick meant
Happy Good morning day dreams
can start unassisted before breakfast 
Let go my leg go let go my leg go.
I don’t smoke anymore how long
how long does anymore last
as far as the professional look,
I’m clean. But I remember lovers
who brought their smokes, all of us
putting them aside for the children
we brought into our lives our desire
with a different light. 

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