I married the hardest-working super-woman three years ago, August 27th. I am grateful for everything she has brought into my life, and for saving my life from a respiratory depression in 2022. A long story, recounted in Always Breathe now making the rounds of Canadian publishers. Michelle has just submitted a completed draft of her Ph.D. dissertation and is a little at loose enns. It’s hurry up and wait.
We will celebrate the first day of “Arthritis month” on September the third with a reversed total shoulder replacement, a rational pain management strategy. I have lousy cartilage genetics, and many bone-on-bone situations, that are killing me, or driving me to chose MAiD, as a result. Michelle will experience my 12th serious surgery vicariously, and I thank her for submitting her dissertation in time to help me find my way through it. Four weeks with NO weight bearing activity on my left arm/shoulder at all. And then rehab starts.Total and reverse shoulder replacement diagram
Fortunately, we have four excellent care aides that are scheduled, around the clock if and when necessary, to give us a hand, arm, shoulder and a lift. So, thanks to Davina, Jayden, Aimee and goodbye to Amanda who has gone on to a full-time job, and hello to Christine who is finishing her shift.
Happy Be Lated Anni versify Michelle.